Donna McCullough

Donna McCullough

About me


Soft skills are extremely important. Most companies can train you on the hard skills. They really can't train you on the soft skills. This is why I believe that it should be taught in the career schools. 

I learned a great deal about stress and how to use good coping mechanisms to deal with it. Tomorrow I will start using what I have learned in this course.

It really does save time to ask fellow instructors for their course materials and then streamline them for your course. Then, you have time to modify the materials to accomodate your style of teaching.
Discussion Comment
I agree with the module that task immediacy can make a career school instructor extremely tired by the end of the day. These types of instructors need to make to do lists and prioritize the items in their lists.

I thought the ED109 course was a good review of the way I learned to write lesson plans.


I really like on-line training.

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