Scott Myers  Sr.

Scott Myers Sr.CHEP

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I teach at a technical school and one of my students has uproached me that he is just not sure he wants to learn this as a profession. I advised him that something interested him enough to sign up and start school in the first place.He does seem to be very interested in class but he is just wondering if it is right for him.Do any of you have any suggestions on how else i could try to advise him.If he realy doesn,t want to do this than he probably shouldn,t.
I am an automotive instructor and some of the terms of our feild do not have direct translstions. how then do you get someone who does not speak english well to understand the concept i am teaching?
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I would think that if you give your students to many quizes you will start to lose their attention. My question would be is how often should you consider giving them a quiz?

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