Suzanne Conrad

Suzanne Conrad

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There are quite a few ways to assess the level of understanding and using different ways allows differentiation.  Sometimes a project can determine the level of understanding more than a test can but then again, who knows who is actually doing the project? 

I love rubrics.   They take a lot of the guess work out of grading and the student knows exactly what is expected of them.


Students online can use a thumbs up or down in formative assessments to show whether or not they understand what you are saying or demonstrating. 

Reply to Carey Fabacher's post: I agree with you, the syllabus is very important. 

I learned that it's very important to break info up into chuncks to make things easier to find and in the end saves time for future work.

I learned about the importance of maintaining records in different ways for future reference.  I also learned that the teacher has the ability to modify how a lesson is submitted when a student is experiencing difficulties.

I learned about the difference between synchronous and asynchronous meetings.  I'm thinking that an online discussion would be a good way for a shy student to participate.  These discussions also allows the teacher to determine where each student is at and what kind of direction they need.  Many times, that ability is lost in the classroom.

I was wondering if using a "Mad Lib" form for students to fill out would make it easier for some students to share information about themselves.  Perhaps it would be more fun?

I am looking forward to seeing how this is all accomplished online.  I've always been a classroom teacher.  I've never created lessons online. 

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