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I found the fifth question on the quiz about concrete vs. abstract application of knowledge problematic. It stated that "The instructor of a culinary arts program asks her students to identify the differences between natural and processed cheeses." I realize that concrete thinking involves the 5 senses, but the module defined abstract thinking as "seeing connections and applications." Had the instructor asked students to define or list the qualities of each type of cheese, I can clearly see it would be concrete. But identifying differences between two different things, to me at least, sounds like an example of "seeing connections,"… >>>
The module discussed the fact that this type of learner needs music for a learning environment. What are some practical ways of applying this in a classroom setting? Playing music in the background may work for a few students, but once when I tried it, some of the students asked me to turn it off because it bothered them. Another time, I allowed a student to listen to his own music (privately on a CD player--this was before the ipod) while he was writing an essay in class. Ironically, I was unable to use that time to grade papers as… >>>
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