The process of assessment is a dynamic one. By using feedback and analyzing the data, instructors can formulate tools that best measures student learning.
I do appreciate a reliable and valid tool of assessment in my classes. Constant student feedback can help develop and update assessments from semester to semester.
Bloom's Taxonomy is useful in building a classroom where learning occurs. Once a student can reach to the analytical or creating levels, they have mastered the content of this course.
I have learned about the various types of assessments in the classroom along with their advantages and disadvantages. I tend to use the knowledge based and performance based most often and will look into the portfolio.
Ensuring clarity in the rubric will enhance student performance and learning.
Descriptors are used to scale rubrics along with point values.
Rubrics allow for rich collaborations between student and instructors.
I already use rubrics in my classroom for written work.
Rubrics helps to delineate an accurate grading scheme for students to follow. It also allows instructors to objectively grade written work.
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