What are some areas you make sure to share with prospective graduates during a camopus visit?
Have testimonials from past graduates.
I would agree. I dont rememeber an "I" in Team.
What are some of everyones best ROI's on marketing amongst todays millenial students?
Many of times prospective students want to see Financial Aid First to see if they even can qualify for aid before seeking out application or enrollment first. It is important to know that Admissions is NOT Financial Aid, a basic understanding is ok, but always refer the prospective student to the Financial Aid Office as everyones situtation is different and unique. You dont want to be in a situation where you mislead the prospective student. Title IV Rules for Financial Aid are every changing and evolving, so it is always best to refer.
There will be times when a prospective student has a lot of questions and/or their parents. It is necessary that the rep knows their institutitions mission, rules, policies, outcomes and enrollment requirements to help the student and/or family make the best decision on what school is the right fit.
I think holding graduation is an integral part of celebrating the students success. Whether it be in a certificate program, or a 4 year degree program - this is an accomplishment for the graduate and therefore should be celebrated. Plus the institution has the opportunity to thank the graduate for chosing their school. This only leads to referrals and referrals are huge part of successful prospects becoming students.
Admissions reps are not allowed bonuses per enrollments. There is some talk amongst some accrediting agencies in the midwest with regards to bonuses/salary increases based on Graduation Rates...Has anyone else heard about that?
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