Teresa Keith

Teresa Keith

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ED116 is a fantastic training course within several useful techniques that can be utilized in classes.


21st century students have embraced and utilized technology on several scales such as for social media, skype, and other various forms of entertainment.  It is equally important for students to have a classroom setting which incoporates technology into daily lesson plans in order for the individual to become globally competitive.   Academic excellence coupled with well honed technical skills is a combination possess leadership character.

Although, I have not had this argument yet I am always conscience that students are customers.  On the same hand students need to be made aware that higher education is also a privilege, and not a right.  Rights are sanctioned through written laws.  Therefore, like any privilege higher education can be taken away or denied if for any chance he or she does not hold up their end of the bargain. This includes the contract they sign first day of class which outlines behavior, class assignments, and other expectations.   I go over my rules and expectations several times during the course to keep it… >>>

Critical Thinking is made of a combination mainly: discipline, self-directed thinking.  It exemplifies the perfections of thinking on all levels.  In everyday language critical thinking is thinking outside the box, divergent thinking, unlimited thinking falling toward thinking about thinking.  Using a combination of creative, practical, and critical thinking would make for a highly global competitive person on an academic stage followed by a successful career.  The challenge is learning to use the (3) tools together to form the ultimate critical thinker.  Once these tools are utilized correctly it would also aide with cognitive development enhancements, and logic will improve.  When logic expands this will improve the decision making process with… >>>

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I agree students need more clarification regrading expectations facing the work in college.  Students need straight forward and realistic detailed information regarding classes, test dates and other important due dated assignments.  Well developed self-management skills, logic and decision making along with problematic skills have to be well honed to excel.  Most first year college students will need that contact to feel connected to the campus so it is important to incorporate a social interactive learning in-class assignments.   This method is advantageous to the student and the facilitator and making them aware if the students are processing the information.  

It is advantagous for all concerned that we make it good practice to encourage student attendance.  Although, motivation is paticipatory it can be influenced by the leaders as seen in the eyes of the student.  Remember mentor, model and monitor comes along with reaching out to assists students and equip them with education and skills needed for the work force. 

Faculty have a responsiblity to help students with goal setting and goal achievement and information about progress toward that goal should be made readily available. The faculty and other employees should always tell students about the institution's support services and the school's commitment to student success. Students must have opportunity to connect with service providers in an environment that protects their dignity and acknowledges the importance of the issue. The services you promise must be proactive, positive and show the students that the institution really cares about each student's success. After proper and adequate service is provided the students will… >>>

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Retention can be defined in many aspects at any institution. The responsiblity to retatin students are placed upon faculty, staff and school administration. Additionally, the student has a responsbility to work with staff and faculty to maintain school work and reach out for adequate resources when needed. We all are responsibile for assuring the proper education of each student at the learning institution. Resources should be readily made available through departments.

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