Teresita Tribo

Teresita Tribo

About me

All my educational credentials in Mathematics were obtained in the Philippines. Teaching experiences were in postsecondary settings and in the university.

Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts and Patisserie in Chicago hired me in 2009 and rehired me on February 18, 2013.


books of paolo coehlo


influencing skills and empathic skills


I often read students' body language, facial expression and even their silence when discussing a topic and these mixed messages signal me to ask whether my explanation is clear to everyone because I can sense that there is a confusion. I assured them that confirming their thought is always acceptable and that asking for clarity is awesome.

Then one would raise a question followed by another and so on. It is therefore the teacher's instinct that could read students' thoughts. 

Most of the students remarked, "Why is it not taught in my high school?" One student who had college background commented that he was not taught like this before in any of his Math classes.  

So true! The course topics and the input from Harvard lecturers gave me the opportunity to see how I perform my job from a second person perspective. So much insight reiterated what I need to improve and put into my teaching plans.

This was a situation in developmental Math class when students learn the skill of adding and subtracting integers by discovery method.  I gave each student four colored strings: one long and one short red yarn to represent negative values, one long and one short green yarn to represent positive values.  I allowed them to manipulate the yarn through addition and subtraction and let them discover first, the result, and then let them generalize the rules involved in each operation. It took them only a short time to understand the procedures than following the written procedures in the book. Discovery method is truly… >>>

The message of the presentation is so much infectious! If my commitment to be an instrument of successful learning experience to learners is a disease, I allow myself to be greatly infected with the Art of Commitment!

Grat job, Ashley!!

With adult learners in a developmental class, there were times when I thought that my strategy might be too "elementary" and some might think I'm treating them like children, but nevertheless I strategized as I planned, and this gave most of the students their "ah ha moment" and proved to be very effective than giving them the procedures in the book. In practice, a teacher must really never stop experimenting with ways on how to connect with students to make them succeed to learn.  

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