tanner funk

tanner funk

About me



after i compelted my MSN in 2008, i learned very quiclkly that businesses, companies, and academic programs are only as good as the leader who is in charge. i have always been facinated by the many types of leadership styles and the results they have created. some leaders have a militrary style approach and some leaders use a more empathetic approach. at the end of the day, if the results are positive it is hard to argue that any style i either effective or ineffective. these training sessions have been very informative as it relates to reminding myself about… >>>

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hello, as a former athlete, i have learned very quickly that coached do indeed make all the difference in the world. as a teacher, i have always viewed myself as a coach in many ways. as a coach, we have to lead, inspire, motivate, and finally and most importantly lead by example. the best teachers that i ever had were very much like coaches in many ways. the best coaches and the best teachers i ever had were great because the y always lead by example!
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i think that one of the biggest problems amongst the working professional world today is that too much of the time we over react and we are the victims of a knee jerk society. this is a major problem that i have assessed!
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trust is everything. if you have no trust with a person or a company then there will be a lose/lose situation on both sides. its no more difficult then that!
advertisement needs to be about complete and total honesty. it really is that simple. when advertising is not accurate and the general public becomes aware of this, it will only hurt the company in the future and their reputation. its no more difficult then that.
in this day and age of political correctness, for some reason it is often very hard for many of us in the professional world to be transparent. this should be very simply and easy. be open and honest about who you are and the program that you are providing and you have nothing to fear. in the political world for an example, this is often the case. politicians from all sides of the isle are guilty of promising to be open, honest, and transparent. then we are often very discouraged.

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