Todd Gordon

Todd Gordon

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Ther are a number of different type of tests. Depending on what type of knowledge you are trying to test for will determine what test type you use. Multiple choice questions will give you a larger range of answers and subjects but allows for more guessing. Where essays will give you more problem and critical thinking answers. True/false can give student some trouble. 

This section discusses different ways to evaluate student. Choosing the best way to evaluate your students will determine what you may need to do to alter your teaching style. 

Time management can be overwhelming if you don't break it down into smaller segments. One of the key things is to not procrastinate. Just start with one thing, after it is finished move on and the next thing you know the list is done.

By setting the tempo of the class on the first day you may be able to rain in the high energy students and get some of the shy student to equal out. You need to guide the student into all working at the subject with equal enthusiasm.

When meeting the class for the first time it is important to let them know who you are and that you are approachable and human, even if you come from a different planet. Let them know what is expected and that you are there to help and guide them. They are probably more nervous than you so put them at ease and let them know what is expected of them. Have Fun.

The syllabus is like a battle plan for the troops. It tells everybody what is expected and when and where they need to be at all times. What is coming up, what we need to accomplish the next task. If a student gets lost, they can always check the plan and get back on track.

By using different forms of questions, we can solicit different feedback. this will allow us to see what our students know and to spark discussions.

By combining more than one learning style at once you will reach the largest number of students. If you can combine all of the styles you have a homerun.

Dynamic learning allows instructors to use the best of both worlds. Student in the world today are engulfed in technology, by using a dynamic learning style we are putting them in their element and making it familiar to them.

By using positive wording to help encourage and motive will help with the way your student learns

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