Thomas Smith

Thomas Smith

About me


Motivational engagement can add enjoyment to any learning experience.  The more joy a student has attending the course, the more motivated they will be in achieving the learning objectives.  Motivated students tend to procrastinate less and produce fewer zero scores.

Effective and efficient feedback also contributes to student's motivation.  It always feels good to know your instructor truly cares about your learning experience and wants to do all they can to see you be successful.

Since students have different ways they prefer to learn, so should you as an instructor have different ways of providing directions and guidance.  While one… >>>

The importance of properly teaching and assessing to the desired levels of learning can not be overstated.  Both formative and sumative assessments should be used to evaluate student learning.

Not enough can be said about producing a great syllabus.  The syllabus can often times set the tone for how the students feel about the course and their involvement in it.  Also developing a program with as many creative ways of having  students interact is important because student learn from each other a lot.  The more they can interact, the more likely they will enjoy the course as well as learn from each other.

Consistency in course design helps students become familiar and comfortable with the lesson marterial.  Creating a learning-objects database can greatly help save the developer time in creating new courseware.


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