I liked the section on motivation and how to keep students motivated. I thought it was interesting about point values and extra credit. Students will work harder for bonus points or when it is worth 100 points instead of 10.
Personalized instruction helps to engage all students. Building rapport and getting to know students helps you to find ways to personalize instruction.
Creating a classroom community is so important to making sure that all students get what they need out of the course. Greeting students and acknowledging them individually helps with this.
Engaging in discussions with students is very important to be able to include their life experiences and understand them as people and learners.
Breaking up information helps with student success and engagement.
The three "M's"- Modeling, Managing, and Motivating really stuck out to me. All three are important for managingclass expectations.
I found the idea of a checklist important. This strategy seems like it would be an effective tool to help both teachers and students to stay on track.
The 5-C's really stood out to me. They really encompass everything that is necessary to be a successful and effective instructor.
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