I have the most problems with the students who are procrastinators. I find that I have to send weekly reminders to complete work, and after the due dates, I send a message to those students who did not submit. I keep notes on students in the NOTE column of the gradesheet.
It is important to identify students' learning needs during the first week, so the course delivery can be adapted to suit the needs of various students, to produce the best outcomes.
It gives students confidence when they see the bio of their instructor, showing extensive experience and achievements in their field.
Many online learners need tech support more often than learning support. It is important for an online instructor to learn how to provide both.
Now I will think more about how to adjust an autistic student's assignment. I will be on the lookout for those who look uncomfortable about doing verbal presentations or working with groups.
It was interesting to learn that the divorce rate for parents is not higher than average. I would think the stress would impact the marriage. Hopefully, there are many support groups available, because it takes a village to raise a child!
I see students sometimes seeming anxious about where they should sit. Now I will take this as a clue that they might have autism. I can keep an eye on them to help provide a comfortable environment for them. I have one student who cannot stand any noise from classmates chatting while people work in groups to get their lab manual done. I spoke with her privately and told her she can go to the student lounge area to do her work, and she greatly appreciated it.
I had no idea that autistic people were more prone to having other genetic issues, GI problems, and seizure disorders. It is enlightening to read more about this subject. I have several students who need to wear noise-cancelling headphones. I assume they are autistic.
We have to be aware that not all students want to interact with people. They should be given choices for projects and activities, so they can decide if they want to work alone or in a group.
One thing I do to engage students is to give them an Escape Room activity, which they can do in groups if they want. They have to answer 4 Multiple choice questions, solve a puzzle to change the answer letters into numbers, enter the number online, and if correct, they escape the room. There are 5 rooms. There is at least one real test question in there somewhere, so they are motivated to do the activity.
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