Tamica Martin

Tamica Martin

About me


This course does provide a little more confidence in your job because it provides more knowledge!

This course provided the fundamental information that I needed to carry out my duties in a manner that will benefit my students and the organization.  It will help me to stay within the perimeters and guidelines outlined by federal, state, and accrediting agencies in order to provide the service efficiently.

Great course to take online.

In eliminating compensation based enrollment practices it should enhance the human factor by focusing on the prospective student rather than the recruitment staff's interest. This in turn should increase retention.
It is important that while speaking to a prospect about attending your institution, that we allow the highlights of the institute to speak for themself rather than having to compare ourselves to competing schools. The student should of course explore options, but, we should emphasize our school's benefits within guidelines without degrading our competitor's in any manner.
Discussion Comment
At first I was a little thrown off by the restriction to recruit in employment agencies. It would seem that if one could not obtain employment, learning a new skill or trade would be a reasonable plan. I guess it could be viewed as soliciting a prospect under "vulnerable" conditions because of the frustration that would go with not being able to obtain employment. It is imperative that a prospects decision to enroll in an institution is one that was carefully considered and thought out in clear circumstances.
Providing students with proper disclosures and information in order for them to make an informed decision ensures that the student is properly prepared for continuing education, and that the school has maintained integrity. Even if a school is not required by law to to provide certain disclosures, ultimately discovering information that is pertinent and relevant later on as a student can create resentment and/or the feeling of being deceived. This is not how any educational institution should want to be perceived.

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