I plan to become more aware of Learning disabilities and become more active so the student will be successful.
Using the social tools, ( Facebook, Linkin, Etc..) that students re familiar with, will help keep them engaged.
Time Management is a work in progress and can be challenging to say the least. I went from F2F type instructor to Synchronous / Asychronous instruction. This is a complete new environment for the students too. The time requirement for the students to complete their online assignments was confusing to them but, with some patience and encourangement they are finaly managing their time more effectively.
Students or people with disabilities, sometimes (due to embarrassment) are not disclosed. It would help instructors know, by pretesting indivduals so we would know how to approve their issue.
Great information regarding ELL students. I now have better knowledeg to know how to help these students.
CHnage your lecturing styles, not every student picks up or learns on the materials the same, maintiain 10 to 15 min lecture blocks
On the first day greet them as they come in the door, introduce yourself, give them yoru back ground, know their names.
Being Prepared, set goals for your students, give the the students clear objectives, and follow through to the end
As leader you should be organized, know your material you are going to cover. Be confident and set a example.
Loved the 5c's.
knowing the material you are teaching is a plus. I have learned that we are all humans and mistakes and errors happen.
Speaking clearly, so that the material is understood.
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