Tony Castanon Newman

Tony Castanon Newman

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Consider the modality effect.. I’m still trying to understand that..  consider you audience.. i think the modality is the different ways people learn.  And to keep the modules the same.. across the board.  Similar to avoid confusion 

These are great points even to do if not virtural

 I now see what synchronous and asynchronous learning is, the differences and how it can be different in different learners.  I like the asynchronous learning method as it helps all the students learn easier even the introverted personality learner. 

I like the day one suggestion of having the student do a short bio on themselves to share and also one of myself.,

this topic is understanding the importance of handling the online course management CMS for students,.  I will need to know how to operate understand and be able to review and input scores, grades ect.   Understand the course structure and modify if i need to. 

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