Teresa Pera

Teresa Pera

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I like all of these ideas.  These situations have come up in clinical practice already, so it's nice to have some suggestions for how to handle them.  For instance, the "Staff Surprises" is an almost daily discussion for us.  The suggestion given here is how we handle it, and to have that corroborated is helpful.

I also love the "Dots on the watch" strategy for tracking clinical tasks.

These techniques for teaching are fantastic! 

Brush with fame for understanding of confidentiality r/t HIPPA laws

Thinking puzzle for recognizing how to think in patterns

Out of the ordinary event to boost memory of topic

Weakest think to show critical thinking using real world scenarios

Wheel of supplies to reinforce location of needed supplies

What's wrong with this picture to encourage observation and apply knowledge

Eyes or Ears to use multiple senses during pt. assessment

Will use these guidelines to set the stage for the class.

The term phonological is new to me.

Didn't know that groups of 6-8 is most efficient.

Learned general awareness of positioning, floating, eye contact, voice volume from point of view of student/audience/viewers, etc.

Interesting the attention span of 15-18 minutes, retention of  25% of what we heard, 40% of what we read, comprehend 5-7 items.  These are valuable data when planning a lecture or presentation.

I am having trouble imagining listening 4X "faster" than speaking. ???

The first class session sets the tone .

I like to be prepared and organized before making a presentation.  Research on topic done, sequence of course content, able to give interesting examples, etc.  I always feel much more confident when I know what I'm talking about.  I find it easier to explain something if I have learned it myself.

Modeling appearace, behavior, accountability, respect, kindness, compassion and desire to grow as an individual and as an instructor.

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