Thomas Salvador

Thomas Salvador

About me


This course has given me a good set of tool to work with .I am trying to apply as much as I can on a daliy basis and the tactacs used here Really do work! I now understand alot more about being a Buddy, aND THAT THIS IS NOT A VERY GOOD APPROACH AND THAT A COMBO OF A COUPLE OF DIFFERENT METHODS MAKE FOR A LOT BETTER STUDENT EXPERIENCE. and also My experence in the classroom. Thank You for this course as it has helped me alot.

I have completed ED106 and found it very helpful when dealing with Learning challenged students, It has given a different approach to the issue --I partially liked the idea to put students in groups and to use the 'Floating" technique to monitor the whole room. I now use the body language and eye contact to help me read the students understanding of the topic and/or task assigned to them. I also learned to use the "PAUSE” in a Positive way instead of just using it to get troublesome students attention. I found these courses 101-106 VERY helpful to my everyday teaching! Looking forward to learning… >>>

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