Valerie Dendy

Valerie Dendy

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Active learning can improve educational outcomes.

Preparation reduces anxiety

When a student has an angry outburst, listening should be the first strategy in mitigating the issue

Sometimes students may not be inattentive due to boredom but are inattentive due to life as most students in this setting are adults with families of their own and likely careers. Using different strategies including group learning will be beneficial

Late assignments are expected by the educator. The penalty for late assignments should also be expected by the student, and this expectation is outlined at the beginning of class verbally and in writing
I was unaware of the military's position over FERPA. this does make since especially in times of war and threat of war
I read that after death the records are no longer protected but this seems a violation of privacy whether the person is dead or alive
It is important to understand what can and cannot be released when dealing with student information
I think making student aware of their rights in regard to their information and being educated on the rules as well will prevent accidental release of information by not following outlined protocol
It is important that any potential victim feel they are able to confide in authorities and feel protected if faced with sexual assault/trauma or any type of sexual harassment

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