Yves Vital

Yves Vital

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What other things can an instructor do to boost morale during the first two classes
how soon should you report them?
You may find it difficult to sort out the difference between a fraudulent excuse and a legitimate one. How many must an instructor take before he/she reports and begin to penalize.
Is there a need to attach punishment? Can you give more work as a type of punishment?

When working with adults, there are several things you can be doing to ensure you meet their learning needs. These are a few best practices: • Take an inventory of your students’ prior knowledge and experiences. When instructing students, make efforts to acknowledge students’ experiences and build on what they already know. • Determine why students are motivated to be adult learners. Work with students to meet their personal goals. • Identify your students’ learning styles. Use a variety of teaching techniques that will work with a variety of learning styles. • Consider memory-building techniques, such as advanced organizers, that… >>>

by end of semester I am burned as many other instructors because of the unrelenting administrative duties imposed by the institution. Does anyone have any suggestions on staying focused and separating administrative duties?
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What should be the steps taken if one warning does not help? Would another warning, removing from class, and then reporting to admin. be good?
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In addition to not tolerating drama from younger students or disruptions, they tend to be more rigid in new learning techniques. However, they do try to be open to learning.
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How do you use reinforcement with a student who do not have a good grasp of the material even after several week?

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