About me
About me
Students achieve self-confidence by not only mastering the material, by becoming more responsible for their learning.
Any collaborative projects that have been facilitated, is great appreciated when the instructor also participates based on experience over material being mastered.
Students enjoy applying information to clinical experiences and doing hands on with purpose and direction from the instructor.
As a result they grow professionally and continue to develop their expertise--they take responsibility for further learning--some have even researched info for purposes of evaluation.
Students are starving for effective communication from the instructor, an appreciation of the individual (ethical awareness, greatly an instructor that can manage him/herself, incorporateds critical thinking by case scenarios and being creative. Enthusiasm that "old" instructors may need to have a refresher on, such as yours truly.
Online has never appealed to me. My preference is definitely attending lecture in a classroom setting, meeting with other colleagues face to face. Online can be an important adjunct to a course. My generation is not computer.
A new first impression--Some of my resources say the first 5 minutes of meeting a new class will never leave you throughout the entire course--no matter what you do.
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You will continue to gain knowledge--continue inservices and each course you teach you will learn more about yourself and being prepared. My experience is 12 years plus teaching young adults, and I still feel the event before my lecture and successfully implementing all the objectives. I have also applied materials from this course recently.