I have learned the importance of safeguarding PII and at the same time understanding what constitute directory service. FERPA makes it easier to understand who is resposible for what as well as how to ensure that everyone undestands their roles to include the students as to thier options in the protection of their infomration.
Learning is continuous and lookng at different individuals learning perspective. It is great to put other experience in your toolshed to complement your learning and teaching style.
We have to determine how students learn to ensure that we can reach everyone.
i have learned how to place questions and how to measure student learning and applicaiton of the objective.
After completing this course. I was able to realize some of the flaws that most educators forget about because they are too busy trying to get the students out and on their way.
I realized that these tools are very essential for the learning process to be effective, For some of us who have been teaching for a long time; we get complacent and settled in the way of doing business that the basic mechanics are forgotten. I intend to incorporate everything that I have learned in this course in my next teaching assignment but most importantly, I will… >>>
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