Vanessa Sumler

Vanessa Sumler

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 Syllabus and lesson plans should be accurate and well written so the students can understanding. There are different learning styles, you have to know your students to ensure they are understanding the materials and ensure they are engaging, asking questions.


It is very important to do an introduction the first day of class to learn your students name. Use the three Ms method by modeling, managing, and motivating your students. Set reasonable exceptions for your students. Arrive on time to class to set an good example.

I have learned that having the write books for your course is very imperative, preparing foe class and arriving early is essential. Researching different resources and learning materials, and caring a note pad to ensure you have everything for that day and you remember things you have do for your students.


I have learned that an instructor should ensure their competency and confidence in the subject they are teaching. Instructors should build relationships with their students, they should trust you. Continuing education is needed for improving your knowledge skills.

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