Measuring students levels of learning, I like multiple choice questions and Fill in the blanks. I learned the importance of the stem and the alternative when formulating good questions for your students.
This section was very educational. The Bloom's Concept fovus on six levels when developing questions or learning activities. Well asked questions should be planned and directly to an individual student.
Technolgy is the way of the world today. The flipped classrom model was very helpful to engaging student to be successful in their learning.
Gola-directed behavior is a good process where the students are in control of their own academic progress.
This traing has taught me that you should always be prepared for class and have a positive attitude, show epathy to your students, write daily objectives on the board. It is very important to build individul relationships with your students, tell them personal stories about yourself realated to the subject you are teaching. Leaders lead with love.
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