I enjoyed seeing the examples demonstrated as well the Global Career Readiness Rubric. Since I am using the Marketing Plan Team Project, this information was very helpful. Further, I can incorporate the rubric.
I found the content in this module a great guide to internationalizing my course. The SAGE framework provides a valuable starting point to review and assess current course assignments and make modifications. I will be incorporating changes into the team Marketing Plan Project where by students develop a Marketing Plan for a novel product. This can be expanded for them to also select another country to market it into as well as justify "why" they selected that country based on economical, social, political/ legal differences. Further, the Promotional Strategy element of the project can also include recommendations for advertising in… >>>
This module offered some excellent suggestions for modifications to the course syllabus. The course I am using, Principles of Marketing, already has a global marketing component to it. I expanded an assignment in relationship to international advertising. Further, I modified a Learning Outcome and the course description, however, this would first require review and approval by various stakeholders as it would require a change to the course outline.
I enjoyed the Napalese example and it is similar to a team Marketing Plan Project that I use in my classes. I look forward to incorporating various aspects from this module into the project which can begin with the CTE Journey Assignment to help form more effective and diverse student teams. Further, student prior learning as well as their career goals can be used to assign students the appropriate roles on each team. Further, scaffolding can be incorporated into the project to help insure greater student success.
In my Marketing Courses, we have a section on Global Marketing. As such we review cultural differences as well as economic, political/ regulatory, social and legal differences. As an exercise, I have students research a US ad and an International Advertisement for the same product by which they compare/ contrast each and share with the class. I think this exercise can be expanded upon to review the different perspectives the market would have a for each brand, its use, etc. in each country. Further, student can be asked review the culture of that country and reflect upon what would be… >>>
The introductory module provided a great overview of what to expect in the future modules as well as the objectives. Further, defining "global competency" is a interesting shift from the terminology of preparing for a global economy. Further, I like the emphasis on focus on having students review their own perspective vs. that of others - it is also nice tie into diversity, equity and inclusion.
Understanding the various cultures/ beliefs I found key especially as it relates to fostering team activities and team projects in courses. It further embedds the application of "accepting" different people and working with them as well as the mangement skill of influencing.
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