Andrea Wallace

Andrea Wallace

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It is important to set clear guidelines for the expectations and evaluation of your course by providing students with a well prepared syllabus. It is also especially important to be well prepared and organized for your course including adequate materials, inviting learning environment.

It is important to set clear guidelines for the expectations and evaluation of your course by providing students with a well prepared syllabus. It is also especially important to be well prepared and organized for your course including adequate materials, inviting learning environment.

Key take aways for me: know your craft (technical), be professional (lead by example), be personal (be approachable). 

This module illustrated the importance of keeping and maintaining student motivation. Keeping students motivated is integral to their success in their program. Ensuring your expertise on your subject matter, being empathetic to student situations both in the learning environment as well as any outside stressors that may impact their ability to learn successfully is essential. 

Remaining engaging and encouraging student participation through variety was a key take away. I also had never seen the REFOCUS acronym. I think it is a very useful tool. 

Showing geniune enthusiasm and excitement for your subject can set a positive tone and can encourage the students to be engaged. Being approachable and accessible is necessary for student success. It is aslo important to personalize the student experience by learning and addressing each by name and recognizing and encouraging their successes. 

This course demonstrates the importance of considering students holistically. It charges the instructor with the great responsbility of not only providing subject matter instruction but with engaging the students and meeting them where they are to facilitate their learning and success. The greatest take away for me is being able to successfully adjust for the students' age, motivations for pursuing higher education, and what they need to succeed in their endeavors; be empathetic while remaining professional, being facilitative while preserving the stucture/flow of the course to promote success for all. 

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