Walt Edwards

Walt Edwards

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I totally agree.  I'm an IT instructor and spend the 1st couple week's of each quarter trying to get all the technology issues fixed so my students can actually use the technology.  This includes problems with student access to their textbook publisher's online resources, problems with student access to online campus resources, and just the Delta IT Help Desk not keeping the PC Lab class rooms and Library computer hardware and software current.  So much time is wasted dealing with these same issues every quarter and the tech support is not proactive in preventing these known issues or very quick in… >>>

Can adjunct instructors be paid for their extra time spent working on assignments required by their employer, but are not part of the instructor's work they were contracted to do in the job description?

Can adjunct instructors be paid for their extra time spent working on assignments required by their employer, but are not part of the instructor's work they were contracted to do in the job description?

Similar to You Tube, but is only for educational topics.  Its designed for teachers, students, and parents.

I was full-time with MMTC for 3 years and was expected to do all those extra duties because I was salaried.  I often wondered why the adjuncts were expected to do so as well, but not get paid.  Didn't seem fair and I assumed it was just a way for the organization to take advantage of adjuncts needing the job in this slow economy.  In some cases the adjuncts would ask to be paid for their extra time spent for meeting those add-on faculty requirement.  In some cases they were paid or reimbursed, but I believe that to be a rare… >>>

Sooner or later its going to happen. Your compter or projector fails, you can't find your notes or handouts, your microphone quits working. Best to always have a backup plan.

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