William Carbley

William Carbley

About me


@VCDavila : I feel it's essetial to keep the student engauged by making the classroom experiance fun, exciting and informative.

Instructor enthusiasm is the essential force needed for student success. Instructor apathy is a virus that can wipe out an entire class.
As a facilitator it is absolutely essential that we make our classroom, lectures and labs meaningful to each individual student in our class. The ability or inability of the instructor to inspire a diverse adult classroom will not only determine student success by retention as well.
Discussion Comment
An effective adult education facilitator must have the flexibility & skill set to deal with an immense variety of students, each with their own individual goals, problems, backgrounds and fears. The essential posture for an adult education facilitator is one of: neutrality, authority, knowledge, and student success.
I've found that the most effective way to teach is by introducing critical information through the use of a variety of recourse materials and by varying how this information is presented to the class.
I feel that by incorporating a basic "power-point" format utilizing a "white-board" as the screen, I can involve the students by having them actively participate during the presentation. This form of interaction significantly benefits the entire class.
At this time there is no standardized pre-test. It is the responsibility of the instructor to properly prepair the students regarding proper lab conduct and how to work on the equipment.
In a laboratory environment, proper "pre-lab" student training and preparation is absolutly essential.

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