About me
I am new to the instructor field but have over thirty years experiaance.
About me
I am new to the instructor field but have over thirty years experiaance.
I have the same issues. I feel that some of the students are trying to feel out the class in a attempt to get a grip if this is what they really want to pursue as a ocupation. I try to keep the lectures as real as posible and also pose thought questions back at the class to get them to use what the discusion was about to understand what issues will cause real failures. Most students like the idea but have trouble grasping what caused the primary failure. This seems to get them interested.
@ellythomas : Sometimes I have had the same issues. I can usually just stop the lecture and the disruptive students will stop.Or move over to the area and then stop the lecture. When the students hear me stop lecturing they know and I remind them it's there time away from lab. When I have too stop lecturing. And lab work must be completed to continue. This usually works then If needed I give a down grade for unprofesional behavior to 7,now this has there attention. I then work a deal into this that I can remove some if they can… >>>
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