Having a clear understanding that the students understand about the polocies in place and follow them.
Paying attention the the students intake is crucial in teaching. If you see them getting tired change the way you teach.
There is more to power points then filling up useless data and also to use the 10-20-30 rule.
When you make a mistake look upon it as a learning experience and dont do the same mistake twice.
It is nice to learn the different ways to handle students that are not the role model type and teach them how to change to become just that.
Keep all students engaged at all times and try not to be a broken record. As I have always been told change is the only constant in life and you have to learn how to adapt to it day by day.
Be a role model to the students and set your expectations up front with due dates and assignments.
It makes me know that I will have students with problems and we will both be on the same page of when assignments are due and if not what the penalites will be which is 10% if the assignment is late.
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