

About me

I have been in admissions for 7 years now and have the job of initial contact with students. I work with a team to make sure my contacts are continually being contacted and reached out to. Our hopes is to seem them enrolled, successfully complete the program and get employment on the other side of our college. 




recruiting and admissions


This is an article that I found online. It is giving students tips for choosing colleges and things to consider that a student may be thinking about. 

This gives some reading suggestions to help you as a admissions representative. 

I think one of the things that keeps an admission professional engaged is partially that they have a feeling of belonging to the group. If they feel as though they are a part of something bigger than themselves and are respected among the group they will have a better tendency to stay. Also, a feeling of accomplishment is a great motivator. I'm not just here to fill a space, but I'm doing something worth while. I'm helping a student to find their passion in life and to achieve great things. If an admission professional can believe in the institution they… >>>

Blog Comment

As a student is accepted or enrolled in your institution an initial contact of congratulations is a start to keep them drawn back to you. After they are enrolled, you have a financial aid meeting perhaps which gets them back in the building. After these initial contacts, engage them by inviting them to guest speaker meetings at your facility, or Upcoming Open houses where enrolled students can get to know one another. If you allow students to choose roommates perhaps this would be another way to engage them back at campus. Have a get together for all interested students to… >>>

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