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The topic, "When to drop students from chat sessions?" is thought provoking. It's just like the classroom: When and what techniques do you, as the the teacher, use to to preclude a student from dominating a discussion or changing the topic to something they want to discuss. It takes tact and skill but you need to be firm or the other students will see it as a waste of time, lose interest, and stop participating.
I also agree. I find that teaching forces me to double check my work and in doing so, I learn much more in terms of validation and, in some cases correcting ideas that might be erroneous. To Jill's point, it is incredible how much you can learn from students, in particular their different perspectives based on their experiences. It really expands my knowledge base and encourages discussion.
I find it rewarding, and am sometimes pleasantly surprised, when a student takes class content and is able to paraphrase, diagram or apply it in very different but perceptive ways.
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Tena, Thank you, this is very helpful as I develop the lesson plan for a new class. I'm at the part where I am developing the rubric. Bill