Yosanalis Torres Hernández

Yosanalis Torres Hernández

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The importance of asynchronous learning including self-guided lesson modules, pre-recorded video content, virtual libraries, lecture notes and online discussion boards or social media platforms. One of most similar feedback though the world about asynchronous is the lack of interactive content and the inclusion of only text and forums.


The importance of engaging learners in multi-sensory experience focused their attention is so necessary. We are regularly very different but on this day the situation needs to increase much more the retention levels for content and learners.


Fortunately in these times we have countless ideas to communicate ideas, produce content, distribute and even monetize through the Internet. Information resources that are not made can generally be developed online with willingness, collaboration, and creativity.

The online educator must be aligned with innovative strategies that attract the student and allow the learning process through doing, experimenting, practicing, interacting such as creating comics, producing a series of videos, drawing, singing, dramatizing ... We can make online education an educational channel that teaches while entertaining.

I prefer to develop a blended education online with synchronized sessions at least once a month and the rest asynchronously. There must be interaction at least every 25 days. Education does not have the necessary engagement when it is alone, without guidance and without pressure to surrender.

The importance of clear guidelines for participation in the class and communication and collabporation as the key.


Recognizing the importance of communication in the education process and understanding the generational mix in distance education is essential to achieve learning.

Communication will always be the greatest tool that life gives us. The communication patterns presented are necessary and very well adapted to the diverse generational levels that we serve today.


While I was reading the previous content, I reflected on how much the Covid-19 advanced skills that it was necessary to adopt. The types of technologies recommended based on the number of members in the group has an understandable definition at this time.

If a teacher does not have the charisma to engage students in face-to-face courses, it could be that the same thing happens in the online course. We must promote the theme of the teacher as an actor or actress. Strategies must be aligned with communication models that have deep-rooted mechanisms these days.

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