Yolanda Thompson

Yolanda Thompson

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I learned my "A-B-C's" which taught me that adversity is inevitable.  How I accept and cope with adversity is what will ultimately shape the impact that adversity will have on me (positive or negative).  I will incorporate this into my life by welcoming and facing adversity with the challenge to overcome it in a healthy way.

Innovative learning technologies provide the opportunity for students to work at their own pace within a defined time frame.  The advantage to this is that it allows a flexible learning schedule so that students can devote quality time to learning the material.  One disadvantage is that the use of innovative learning technologies requires a high level of discipline and committment in order to compete assignments.  I intend to continue using on-line interactive discussion boards in the classroom to emphasize and reiterate content.


In this section, I learned that Kolb's experiential learning theory is based on 4 learning preferences (concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation) in which the student learner uses to "spiral through" learning.  I believe I can incorporate this concept in my classroom by using journaling, hands on skills practice, and simulation.


To effectively incorporate a cooperative learning environment, the concept of positive interdependence (ie. group effort is more effective than individual effort/learning from others) is beneficial.  The instructor has the responsibility to convey to the student that individual accountability is still necessary in order to optimize the learning experience.  I will incorporate cooperative learning in my classroom to assist students who have difficulty grasping understanding of the material from the initial lecture/activity.  By placing them in a group that consists of a mixed learning types and abilities, all students can learn from each other.


When using the constructivist view, instructors must be willing to relinquish some control over the classroom.  This includes being prepared to allow the students to develop their own method for understanding the material which may be different than the instructor intended.  I will incorporate this into the classroom by providing problem-based activities that consider the various perspectives of a diverse classroom.


While I appreciate adapting my teaching plan to the various learning styles, I agree that it can be challenging to develop and execute effectively due to the amount of time required to ensure that the plan you develop will be useful and beneficial to all types of learners.


The most challenging aspect of teaching for me is addressing cultural diversity.  In my classroom setting, cultural diversity extends far beyond geographical lines, so I find myself trying to identify and build an academic relationship.  What I plan to do in order to become more diversified is to, of course, do what research I can to understand how to reach/teach all students.  But, I also plan to create an open atmosphere in the classroom to allow time and space for more conversation and dialogue to broaden not only my view, but other classmates' views and perspectives on other cultures.

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