Yvonne Cadiz

Yvonne Cadiz

About me


I intend to share the information on MANAGEMENT STYLES with my Academic Director so we can review the information with our Professors during our next faculty meeting. The goal is to help them to evaluate their classroom managment styles and become more of "Guiding"instead of Controlling.

  My action plan includes four areas:


1. Classroom Environment- My plan is to make sure that I create an optimal language envrionment for my ELL students. I will make sure that student feels comfortable and that he or she has a classroom buddy. I teach college level so I will make sure that I use more cooperative learning activities so my ELL students are exposed to using the language more.

2. Assignments- I will make sure that I modify my assigments for the ELL learners and that I explain directions and ensure that students have understood'

3. Assessment- … >>>

After completing this training, I have realized that as Managers, it is very necessary to do more informal and formal coaching. Many times we try to provide mentoring strategies but neglect following all of the necessary steps to establish a formal coaching plan and to do the necessary follow-up. Instead, people are evaluated poorly and then put on an improvement plan. This only creates a bad experience and many employees lose interest and motivation.  Anyone share the same opionion?  

I have learned over the years that a second language learner has more difficulties comprehending what he or she reads than one thinks. Many times foreign students read well but this does not mean that they comprehend.  It is very important to check comprehension constantly by asking specific comprehension questions.

Isn't the accreditation process way more complicated than being in compliance with licensing stipulations?
Did you know that we must have foreign students sign a disclosure due to lack of language capabilities? Module stated that a second language learner might have difficulties passing state exams which will reduce opportunities for employment.
I just finished taking the course on Crisis Management. For me it was one of the best courses. As Managers, our biggest chalenge is dealing with crisis. I plan now to put a Crisis Management team together to identify those key challenges. Can anyone share with me if you have dine this and what suggestions you can share? What are your key challenges? Yvonne Cadiz
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I just finished taking the course on Crisis Management. For me it was one of the best courses. As Managers, our biggest chalenge is dealing with crisis. I plan now to put a Crisis Management team together to identify those key challenges. Can anyone share with me if you have dine this and what suggestions you can share? What are your key challenges? Yvonne Cadiz
I agree. It seems that people become immune to this type of work style. Thanks so much for your reply.
Some managers believe that it is effective to have employees working on "crisis mode" so things get done Immediately. What is your view?

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