In its recent investigations of Title IX complaints of colleges, the U.S. Department of Education has strongly criticized institutions for failure to document the steps taken by institutions to respond to sexual harassment and sexual violence allegations.
A best practice is to establish a schedule for periodic review of Title IX and VAWA polices to ensure they are up to date, in particular because the U.S. Department of Education has been active in releasing new guidance in this area.
As a apoart of employee on-boarding and student orientation, everyone should be required to read the institution’s statement prohibiting the VAWA Crimes of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking.
The module thoroughly addressed appropriate ways to offer extra credit assignments.
It was refreshing to learn an effective strategy to interact positively with "challenging" students. Asking/encouraging the student to submit their "concerns" in writing creates an optimal learning experience for everyone. From my perspective, it provides an opportunity to reinvent and reinvest ourselves on this journey of higher education. It's a win-win situation!!
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