Yvonne Gonzalez

Yvonne Gonzalez

About me


In my experience as an outreach specialist I find that there are two marketing theories that are applicable to development of educational institution which are: Direct Marketing because is has allow me to have a direct contact with the prospects get their immediate feedback and impressions Relationship marketing: although at the college level is a bit challenging to have this implemented do the volume of customers which are students this kind of strategy strengthen the interpersonal relationships with our clients.

One never ceased to learn, although I'm a goal setter by nature I have failed to implement some very important steps hence failure to accomplish certain goals. I recently completed a course on Goal sponsorod Florida Association of Post Secundary Schools and it was amazing, and a great learnin experience specially as we set out for new year. some of the steps that I had fail to implemented during my goal setting process are:

  • Evaluation impact of gaolsa
  • not rewarding myself
  • and in many cases not diving the goals into smaller tasks

Going forward I anticipate much sucess in both my… >>>

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