Pretests and Post-tests
Pretests evaluate the knowledge one has from prior experience and/or courses while a post test should be Pass/Fail. What do you think?
Hi Robert!
I routinely give pretests and post tests to my surgical technology students. I, however, do not grade either test given to the students. I use them both as tools for the students to use as a study guide for their certifying exam. It has really improved the scores on the exams.
i also give pre tests and post test. This gives me a chance to see where the students are at in the beginning and where they are at in the end.
I know of the usefulness of these tools in the very beginning and end of a class, but can these practically applied throughout various points of the class?
Hi Noah:
Some instructors use them before, then again after the course to gauge how well students learned the new material.
Regards, Barry