Ihave found coming to class organized is the best practice.
Our students benefit much more when their instructor is ready, prepared and organized with need resources.
Barry Westling
I feel it also adds a higher level of respect for the instructor to show up prepared. I would expect my students to be prepared as they should expect me to be prepared.
I believe there is a mutual respect demonstrated when instructor and student take class seriously and do all that is needed in terms of preparation.
Barry Westling
Absolutely! One of my enduring memories of grad school twenty yrs ago was a professor who a) half the time forgot he had class and b) the other half of the time arrived in a whirlwind of disorganization. I remember how I felt and have vowed not to behave similarly with my classes!
What you experienced first hand stayed with you all these years. Great example of what a less than wonderful degree of organization can make a lasting impression on students.
Barry Westling