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Understanding the meaning of training, instructions, learning and education

I must say that this was a very interesting topic with an lot of useful and helpful information. I had never thought about the four in this way but after studying the course materials, it all makes sense. The fact that training is developing a person in a specific area and intructions will allow the students to take that developed skill and apply it in an area above what was taught during training. Whereas we learn how to read and then we apply our our reading skills to learning in order to gain knowledge and to become educated; which is a life-long process.

The information given was very informative and useful. Also I had never thought of putting all four componets in the same train of thought and when you think about it, it has been used all along, except that we did not notice it.

I liked the progressive set and outline as it was presented. It was clearly, defined, concise and meaninful.

In most courses the students will not have a deep understanding of course they are taking. Else why would they be there? Training them as to the use the tools of the text: it's table of contents, glossary, C.D./PP if included and index - in quick summary form will help them locate specfic information in an efficient manner. Thus an aid to completing their assignements in a timely fashion without a lot of redundant paging through the text. They see the value of the basic training. Quick reference and time saved.

With instruction added to the basic training, they become more proficient in utilizing the materials and information in the text and begin to corelate information and integrate it into their retreival and thought process. Memory increases with exposure and repetitiveness.

Learning is further enhanced by combining the textual material with further research and insight that supplements what the author's have to offer and results in a deeper appreciation and understanding of what the facilitator is providing in class. Most will be supplementing the text with current and relevant information.

Then the realization begins to dawn as they see education as a continious process that is in fact life long. The the subject matter becomes more meaningful as they are required to dig deeper into the reserach for more understanding. Again more exposure to the subject matter and more understanding of it.

Excellent process.

Larry Bignall
Cleveland, Ohio

Hi Lawrence:
Textbooks (print and electronic) are part of the media and tools used to produce meaningful study. I always have students read the preface and foreward, as these are vauable information to the student how they can best use their resource for maximum benefit.

Good lessons are simple (sort of). They just require thought, effort, planning, and gathering the resources needed, coupled with adequte preparation by the teacher. Experience will help a lot, but I've learned there will always be be planning and time necessary for good classes to occur that lead to useful student learning outcomes.

Regards, Barry

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