Best of the bunch!
What has been your most successful delivery method in instruction and why?
Hi Elizabeth:
I really like the idea you describe of taking a break from the PPT during the presentation - that sounds like it will really keep the student's interest up and fresh during the lesson period.
Regards, Barry
My most successful delivery has been small lecture with group discussion in which the students had to come prepared with a portion of the discussion material to share.
I use a PowerPoint as a backdrop for my instruction. It keeps me organized and on track with the points I want to make.
My goals is experiential learning, so I also take a break from the slide show to have students participate in specific activities that enhance learning and provide hands-on opportunities or practice. I also create thought-provoking questions ahead of time to ensure that I complete the debriefing portion of the in-class exercise. This also gets us back to the PowerPoint back drop.
Something I've recently started doing is providing a copy of my PowerPoints to students via a classroom wiki. I post the morning following each class. This is a great way to refresh their memory, share important reminders, or provide information to students who occasionally miss class.
I find the use of Powerpoint Presentations to be an excellent method for introducing the class to material. BUT, I never let a PP Presentation be the be all end all source of learning for my students. I have found that following these presentations with exercises that apply the information presented to be extremely beneficial to helping them understand and use the information "outside the box" so to speak.
I have the best success when I incorporate several methods into one session. For example, I will give a short lecture with either handouts or power point. The I try to do a hands on activity to reinforce what was discussed in lecture. I then break students into groups to review case studies.