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Often times, many people make the mistake of giving too much details in a powerpoint presentation. The most effective way is to keep in short.

Appreciate the reference. Thank goodness there are resources like this that can improve our delivery and presentation effectiveness.

Barry Westling

A great book with information on designing successful presentations is Say it with Presentations by Gene Zelazny.

As instructor, we have the content, expertise, training, education, background and work setting experience that is the most important resource to the student. PPT slides are just a tool (among many). We should always try to select the best tool for the job.

Barry Westling

I agree because the student, if the power point is long will tend to loose track of the points you are trying to get bacross. i have found printing them nhelps, but then they read the text and not listen to the instructor

Yes, short, with thorough explanations that accompany each slide or bullet point on a slide.

Barry Westling

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