topic is too difficult for the student
when you teach certain subject and is difficult for the students to understand certain procedures should be done by the instructor.
1- try to explain the subject at least 3 different ways.
2- Use the examples during the explanation related to the every day life expeciences of the student.
3- Some exercise as a group to be sure all the students are able to see how the others students are able to use the rational to understand the subject.
This is a good example to demonstrate different students learn in different ways.
Barry Westling
When I realize that a topic is too complicated for the student to understand, I try different approaches: experiences and examples regarding the topic. I also ask other instructors in my department for a different approach on presenting the information in order for students to grasp the concept.
What has worked well for me is to pretest the students, so that I know from the beginning which topics might be difficult for the students. I then incorporate review into each class so that when we get to those difficult topics, they have a more solid foundation upon which to build.
I agree. I've found that reviewing material at the end of class and recaps the next class helps students who find the material difficult.
Great. Stories and examples are usually quite memorable.
Barry Westling
Boy, I believe an instructor can not review too much.
Barry Westling
One great approach is to paint a picture, a story if you will, from beginning to end of where a given lesson is headed. Students remember stories. Then, as the instructor gets into the content, they can reference pertinent pieces of the story to assist it making sense.
Barry Westling
If something is difficult
I would have different types of examples for them to go by or I would explain it to them step by step. That way they can ask question as we go and they can make notes.