I agree that PowerPoint presentations can serve as great tools for instructors. I feel that it is important to limit the amount of text that is included on each slide, so that the students can focus on the instructor and not just the information on the slide.
Tremayne Simpson
Quite honestly I dont give an alternative on some assignments, however I give them plenty of time to go to our learning resource center to familiarize themselves with PC, and I will help them to navigate the net since this is the way of the future. This way by the time they graduate they will be ready for the work place.
For the most part, are the students voluntarily inclinded to used the Simpro program or do they respond to incentives for participation? We have presented our students with several supplemental learning tools that can effectively assist them with their courses, however the instructors have had a difficult time with getting the students to use the resources in a self-directed manner. Therefore, incentives are usually presented to influence their participation (i.e "extra credit").
Tremayne Simpson
I agree, utilizing the internet or student portal as a medium for submitting assignments, enables the student to establish a comfort level with technology.
Tremayne Simpson
I agree, utilizing the internet or student portal as a medium for submitting assignments, enables the student to establish a comfort level with technology.
Tremayne Simpson
We have the actual products that students are being trained to operate, diagnose and service as the lessons are being taught. It's a lot easier for all if the students can learn in small doses and get them right in front of the equipment so they can immediately apply what they learn.
This is a great way to implement technology in your course. Our instructors also try to provide students with the opportunity to utilize industry equipment and realistic visuals, whenever possible. The visuals in the textbook do not produce the same responses that are seen, when students are presented with the actual equipment.
Tremayne Simpson
As I explained to Krista, there is an immense value to using field equipment and visuals aids, during lecture. Textbooks and lecture notes can provide great information, however the students receive an authentic experience when they are able to practice with the equipment.
Tremayne Simpson
As I explained to Krista, there is an immense value to using field equipment and visuals aids, during lecture. Textbooks and lecture notes can provide great information, however the students receive an authentic experience when they are able to practice with the equipment.
Tremayne Simpson
Students are given a timeline as to when each section is required to be completed. The instructors can log onto the portal and track their participation. Once they complete the Simpro quizzes, the individual grades are averaged and counted as either a test grade or counted under the category of "Assignments" which weigh less than a test grade. Personally, I count the individual grades under assignments.
In one course I teach we use carburetors on our engines (which is old technology that few students understand). When I describe how a carburetor works, I always compare it to modern fuel injected engines (which the students usually have a decent grasp of how it works)...both systems achieve nearly the same thing in the end but use totally different methods to get there.
I always tell my students to "compliment your education with research" bring it to the table. Let's discuss all results in compliment or in contrast.
Employing methods that will enable your students to become more autonomous, is an effective way to prepare them for their careers. If instructors do not provide these types of opportunities, it could create a culture of "highly dependent" students.
Tremayne Simpson
I would love to add something like this to my course and will hopefully create something similar for each course I teach.
Nicholas ,
I agree, critical thinking and research are "cross-curricula" skills that are evident in every course that a student takes. Similar to the "scientific method", if students are able to effectively research concepts, they will have a blueprint for success in all of their classes.
Tremayne Simpson
In the courses i teach the students are recieving a vast amount of there instruction via on line computer web based content. It is the latest up to date materials, with a very interactive approach.
I like to have students use their own vehicles to work on. Especially when their vehicle is broken and needs repair. The process and results go further if it's personal.
I integrate technology into my course by assigning PowerPoint presentations in which the students collect data via researching on the internet. They have to combine all of their material and create a presententation that includes pictures and reliable information. This not only improves the student’s computer skills but also assist with refining their problem-solving skills by helping them determine the best material and layouts to use. In addition, I also assign computer simulation assignments that helps the students apply the technical skills they learn in the classroom. This improves their manual technical skills and helps the students choose the best way of performing different procedures.
I love using PowerPoint presentations to summarize the points in a unit.
I agree, Power Point presentations are great for emphasizing the important parts of a unit. I have also use Power Point presentations for exam reviews and "final reflections" which is conducted on the last day of the course.
Tremayne Simpson