Luckily our school has smart boards and these are VERY innovative. They offer several things: a way to project PowerPoints, Internet searches, etc. but they also offer a "hands-on", interactive approach. You can pull up a software program and call students up one at a time to use the touch screens to manipulate the program, etc. Smart boards are wonderful teaching tools!
If you have a overhead projector in your classroom, you can go present your powerpoint lecture on the overhead. If you are tech savvy, you can always add ways to implement website links into your powerpoints. The links should display subject matter that tie in well with your class lecture. However, you must remember to keep your presentation organized and consider the flow, because jumping from powerpoint to websites can be a bit confusing to the student.
I ask my students to use the flextech also,it is a great asset to the students that take the time to use it, I also have them use alldata as another resourse for information about doing actual jobs and getting an idea of how long a job should take to accomplish, they then try to compete with the time quoted for a given task and find a good deal of satisfaction when they finish with in the allowed time.
Bruce ,
Videos can provide the students with a great diversion, from the standard class lecture. I also, use periodic video clips, in order to provide the student with a different viewpoint of the subject-matter. In some cases, the students can comprehend a class topic easier, by seeing a related visual representation.
Tremayne Simpson
I utilize videos at times, in conjunction with power-points related to the culinary topic at hand. It appears to have a lasting impression on the students.
This is a great example of using technology to adhere to multiple learning styles. Some of the students may benefit from seeing the demonstration performed with this tool.
Tremayne Simpson
The extra tutoring tool can serve as an individual development plan for the student, in that they will understand that they will need to utilize the available resources, when they are not successful on an exam.
Tremayne Simpson
This is a great method for integrating technology. I have used a smart board before and I was impressed with the vast capabilities. Being able to capture notes and provide them to the students is more accurate than relying on their "notetaking" for accurate, lecture information.
Tremayne Simpson
I also use this method with my students, in a different context. I teach General Education courses and I have a daily activity that enables the students to find current events that are relative to course concepts. They typically enjoy this assignment and it keeps them connected with the subject matter.
Tremayne Simpson
Working in a trade field I have been able to use a smart board to draw out parts for the items we are working on and how we can adjust those parts to attain different levels of function. The beauty of the smart board is I can save and print those drawings from the classroom and give them as handouts for the students to reference back to later in the course when they are trying to accomplish this task on the shop floor.
The students are only required to use this extra tutoring tool if they would like to retake one of thier non-passed tests. So there is a little incentive for them to do so, but from what i have seen once they do utilize this tool they seem to keep going back. I have been told that sometimes it is reassuring to hear the imformation form another source or voice.
I try to get the students to look in the news for new info in our field we can talk abou it as weather they think it might work or not I show some OLD products that were laughed at but really worked
When teaching about using lab scoopes I hook one up to the power point projector and demonstrate how to set it up and capture a live pattern. This makes it easier to use them when we go to Lab. It also helps them to see a live pattern and gives them a basis on which to judge their own success when using the scope.
Great observation. The mission of the career college is to prepare students for their desired career paths, therefore it is important that we use every opportunity to incorporate technology into their learning experience. Once their enter their desired field of study, they will have to use technology and hopefully we are doing our best to assist them with that transition.
Tremayne Simpson
YouTube can be a great source of educational clips that can be used for class, however instructors have to be aware of their institution's copyright policy and terms of use. We report all film and clip showings to our school's corporate office for approval.
Tremayne Simpson
Using films to illustrate course concepts is a great way to present students with visual examples of class topics.
Tremayne Simpson
Are your students required to access and use the site (for a percentage of the grade) or do they utilize the site voluntarily? I always encourage my students to use supplemental sites that will enhance their subject-knowledge, however I tend to find that the students usually respond when there is an incentive or a grade attached to their participation.
Tremayne Simpson
It is a great idea to utilize industry tools in class demonstrations. Several of our core course instructors have created partnerships with industry professionals, in order to provide our students with the "industry grade" equipment that they will be using, when they enter the workforce.
Tremayne Simpson
We utilize factory scan tools that have wirless capibilities to show students how to Diagnosis driviabllty concerns
We are a four year college grants degrees in Graphic Design to Business to CJ; all disciplines have use and access to Tec and in this day and age I believe the intergration of tec is very, very important-it gets the students attention and it activates their minds and gets the student involved in the classroom experience