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Incorporating Technology in the classroom

Ways to intigrate technology in the course could range from powerpoints, emailing students, haveing class material excessible on line or on the chool student portal to inviting students to text questions or comments to you.
this could also include 'You Tubing' a demonstration.

I typically use PowerPoint, but am not good at making slides that have much more than text on them. Need to practice using the animations, transitions, and so forth. Also how to incorporate video clips, although these are not essential. Just bring interest to the class and illustrate points. But on the other hand, classes can become "death by PowerPoint". I try to think, what would I do if we suddenly lose power? Am I prepared to teach this topic?

I think that power point is a very effecive way to add technology, but at the same time, make a class much more interesting and dynamic. The material should always be presented and a clear and concise way to be effective.


I agree...Power Point presentations are generally engaging for the students. However, it is important to "limit" the amount of text in each slide. By limiting the text the students are able to concentrate on the instructor and keep pace with their note-taking.

Tremayne Simpson


I agree...Power Point presentations are generally engaging for the students. However, it is important to "limit" the amount of text in each slide. By limiting the text the students are able to concentrate on the instructor and keep pace with their note-taking.

Tremayne Simpson

Indeed. And many students are under the mistaken impression that if they have the PowerPoint deck, they doon't need to take notes or do readings. It is crucial that the instructor make clear that thi PPT deck is only one of the avenues of content delivery, and that the student will be responsible for the factual knowledge contained in all of them, as well as the conceptual material, and the ability to synthesize.

I find that incorperating new technology is very helpful for some students, but when I introduce new technology I sometime have some "older students" who have never and dont want to use computers, as I explain to them that the new technology is for their benifit and to help them to preform their job or task to help them meet their goals, but some students just dont care about all this "new" stuff.

While utilizing things like animations, transitions and video clips may help bring interest to powerpoint presentations, it is important not to add TOO MUCH! If the technology does not really add much except trying to add interest it may have the opposite effect. Students get tired of endless transitions, etc. It animations and graphics aren't really helpful in learning, they may just become distracting. I think using all the technology available is great, but definitely in moderation and when truly appropriate to the point you are trying to make.

In teaching Introduction to Humanities I have found that Youtube is my best friend. It is an outside resource that I can use and my students can access easily.

When new technologies are introduced into the field, it takes some time for the instructors to learn about it and become familiar with its uses and benefits. But by being very familiar with it, the instructor can find ways to introduce it comfortably to those students who may be resistant to anything new.


I agree. Instructors should take the opportunity to actively seek out professional development opportunities, that will keep them engaged with current industry trends and provide them with ideas to bring back to the classroom.

Tremayne Simpson

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