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Having the students use technology to apply their newly learned skills helps with mastery of the subject matter. Again I teach accounting I try to always apply these skills quickly to real-world applications this allows students to see things in a much different light.

I agree. I teach in a highly technical field and often times students do not grasp how some of the skills I present relate to their chosen career field. Making this connection in class using the technology they are learning on or about really helps a lot of them see the value of the material and helps them retain it.

Any and all resources that are availible should be used. Todays sociaty is so technical that as teachers we need to step our game as well.

Applying it to "real world" is especially important when teaching a career institute.

I find that when you can relate the topic with the real world for the student, it adds so much value to the student. Sometimes I also find that when I talk about something from experience, I can learn something new or pick up on something that I hadn't remembered.


Excellent point. Students are more engaged when they feel that they are receiving an authentic learning experience, which can be provided via "storytelling" or discussing current affairs. Information from the textbook is just one aspect of learning, which needs to be supplemented by the additional material that is provided by the instructor.

Tremayne Simpson

Engagement is so important that students will not lose the attention will be motivated, it will help the student to develop more interest about the class.

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