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I like the idea of field trips. WIth COVID-19, I will look for any virtual field trips.


I love guest speakers!


Tailoring your teaching style to fit all student learning styles and needs. Making sure you are organized, prepared, enthusiastic and being confident in the class material. Communication and showing interest in the students progression with constructive feedback are crucial for an active and safe learning environment.

i have learned that somtimes we need to  take a step back and observe the students. I have aslo learned the different type of teaching and i still need to figure  out what my teaching style is. i need build on myself and create my style of learning that  will benifit students. 

I do not teach in a classroom, however, I was intrigued about pausing while standing on side of classroom.  I am always prepared before starting my online clinical class.


I like the comparison to an orchestra in managing the class. I have played in bands and orchestras and I can see the structure at work in putting priorities in order.


Reflecting on my teaching style is important at any stage of my teaching career and to conduct a Stop, Look, Observe Walkabout to see how the world looks from the students perspective.


an occasional pause is not only ok, it is valuable, not something to be feared or avoided. 

knowing and embracing your personality traits will help you be a success in the class room. Being seen to be prepared is also very benefivial.

Preparation is key.  Important to identify your personality traits to help with success.

Prepair and organize new material and interesting topics for the lecture. 

Being prepared and ready for the students before they arrive. Make sure to step back and observe the setting of the class and how the students respond to the lecture in order to make the class better.

Understand There are different types of instructor styles. Don't try to be something your not ,but you can still learn for other types

to make yours self better. 


Think more about my personality and how my actions come across to the class. Be ready for change as it will always be changing. 

Preparation shows respect to the students and builds your credibility.


Being organized is the first step in being a great instructor. 


Learning and being aware of the  many different instructor styles.

Being organized and prepared is key! Know your personality type  and the personality of your students so that your delivery is beneficial/meets the needs or learning style of each student. 

I've laearned to be more proactive and creative so my students can learn more and be engaged more in my class. 


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