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The Model of Decisions in Adaptive Learning | Origin: ED128

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Practical Applications for Adaptive Learning --> The Model of Decisions in Adaptive Learning

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

I think that this model is a great way to teach students material.  When a student struggles through academic content, they tend to get left behind.  I know from personal experience.  When I was a child in school, I really struggled with arithmatic.  Math builds upon itself.  I was also very shy, so if I didn't understand something, I refused to inform the instructor.  This happened in my math classes.  Often time, an instructor would complete a chapter, and I still did not understand the content.  This only left me further behind when the new chapter began.  Using the tools in this model, I would have not moved on to the next chapter until I had a firm understanding of the pre-required material.  

It is important to remember that communication is key in teaching, especially in adaptive learning.

Communication is the key to everything.

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