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I believe the separate disciplines need their own dedication, and most often they are mixed to prove comprehension.

Many times I have noticed students too busy writing down notes and failing to actively listen to a presentation. In order to avoid this, telling the students they will recieve study material after the discussion often settles students into active listening; more so if I follow up with brief questions frequently.

Writing and speaking are my favourites for gaging comprehension.

I find writing is the most difficult discipline to incorporate because not everyone's background is the same.

I'm glad that this module emphasized the four main domains: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. For the students to evolve into professionals and leaders, they must be competent in each of these arenas to effectively express themselves. 


It is important for teaches to know the skill levels of their students.

Listening, speaking, reading and writing are all important to lead to comprehension.  I will incorporate more student explanations of what they heard in lecture to help retain the information

All speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension are greatly important and also to have the students repeat back what they have learned for assessment is all so important.

The four aspects of literacy help students with comprehension, and also support the areas in which they need to improve. 

What I took away most from this module is that while all four pillars of reading, writing, speaking, and listening are essential in learning, the different ways of measuring comprehension ensure the effectiveness of the teachings. Students' comprehension should be measured in various ways and often. By allowing the students these platforms to express their knowledge, you not only build confidence in your students but also can identify if a change in the delivery is needed.

As a writer in my free time, I understand the importance of literacy in whatever field you work in whether its nursing or electrical. However, with the course tying literacy to other key learning factors, it is an important reminder just how much our students depend on it. I try to exercise my students as much as possible in this key area, providing them writing prompts whenever the opportunity presents itself that are based on a variety of texts. The impact that these activities had on student comprehension can not be understated. It is a night and day difference in retention and success! After completing this course, I intend for my students to participate in these activities more!

I appreciated learning about the various types of speaking (talk for interaction vs. talk for translation, etc). That helps me understand the goals of the times in class where I am making space for students to speak. 

To try to find ways to make sure students are actually listening and comprehending. We have an orientation where my entire program is explained in pretty good detail. They also have access to TAs and Aides, if they have questions. Despite this, they still say things like, "I didn't know I was supposed to do that!" They often go away angry in an attempt to blame me when it was clearly their fault since much of the time I know for a fact that it was covered beforehand and or they have written instructions explaining the requirements. It really does underscore the population I work with (adult felons) why they are in prison; usually for not paying attention or not taking responsibility for doing things correctly.

Literacy includes Comprehension. This really stuck out to me because so much of the words that come out of our mouths is just responses we have grown comfortable with giving to certain questions or statements. Its easy to forget to slow down and really listen and understand before responding.

Literacy skills are so intertwined.

Reading, writing, listening and speaking is so essential and a must for our students to express and work through the lessons. I struggle with a majority of my students not having these essential skill sets. They will also need these skills to carry into their careers. We want to build them to success. I work closely with councilors and general ed teachers to help them.

There are four areas of literacy: reading, speaking, writing and listening that are linked to comprehension.  Some students may need to talk to listen.

Literacy skills include listening, speaking, reading, and writing, the speaking and taking notes is what usually keeps students engaged and attentive. 

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